A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ, that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.” Maya Angelou.
Yes, all of our hearts long to be hidden in someone who will love, protect and cherish us for who we are and what we desire to become. But more often than not we set our sites on hiding in a man to only end in broken hearts, consuming emptiness and wasted time. I have made this mistake more times than I can count. Yes, I have always had a relationship with God. I can quote scripture, I sing in the choir, I have been active in several different ministries, and I can even give my testimony on how He has changed my life.
But there is one thing I have never let go of… I have never let him have the driver seat on this marriage thing. If you know me you know I am a hopeless romantic, and being married with children has always been a top priority as long as I can remember. . I have tried so hard to do this relationship thing my way. And I have failed miserably.
My problem is instead of seeking God I was seeking a man. God is a jealous God (exodus 34:14) and he doesn’t want anything or anyone to come before him. And I have put a man before God in hopes to have a husband.
I have sinned against God in relationships in hopes to gain love from a man, by way of premarital sex and shacking up. But no more!
Today I choose to seek God. A man that has never failed me. He as never lied, cheated, abused, or made me feel less that I was. He has only given me unchanging love and support.
I trust you father, you are the potter and I am the clay. Lord you know that I desire a husband, however I can honestly say today that I want to be closer to you more!
Lord, I need you to fill this empty heart of mine and mend the shattered pieces.
Father have your way with me. Make me into a woman that is pleasing to you. Lord I want to be married, but if that is not what is in your plan. I will accept it.
You have been so good to me. I have been blessed more than I could have ever imagined!
Lord I am making a new commitment to you. As a deer pants for streams of water that the way I want to long for you.
In Jesus name
Yes its often hard for us to give god the whell bc it take him to long to reach the destination we desire but thats called letting his will be done! We must be atient and know that our blessing is on the way and be happy from the experience that we gain in the process and apply it to the next one. I truely believe that God is molding and shaping u (Jeremiah 18) n2 a great woman. I can tell by the words that u speak he's making a move in ur life. Sometimes we have to experience the low spots in life to appreciate the high spots. Stay in the lord and let him drive and i think ur blessing u desire is right around the corner.
Thanks so much!
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