Monday, December 21, 2009


Well spoken, made-up, out going, designer wearing premadonna is what you see! :) ...But do you really know the real me?! or are you judging by what you think you see? You see, I will be the first to boast and say God has truly been good to me. But that is not what you see. You like to hate on me, judge me, hold all the records of my wrongs, but the funny thing is, you don't even know me!

So let me tell you a little about the woman that I am and the one I hope to be.
God fearing , funny, spontanious, great friend and and even better lover, but that is not what you see. I love children, I even love you. Can you see that i am just trying to the best Christian i can be?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last day being 27

Today is June 30, 2009, My last day being 27. As I reflect over my life I realize how blessed I truly am, God has been gracious to me over and over! I am so not deserving of all of my blessings! I have spent so much of my life trying to please others wanting people to judge me on my on merit instead of where I come from and my parents!
But I realize that I can no longer be ashamed of who I am or where I come from, because those things are the things that make me who I am. I know that my God’s grace is sufficient for me, for his power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

I have grown so much over the years. I have had some good times and some bad times! I have had my heart broken and I have done my fair share of heart breaking. I was talking to my BFF (Constance) this morning about her sister’s wedding and if you know me, you know that I am a hopeless romantic. I was all excited as if it was my wedding and she could sense it in my voice. She said, “Chasiti, you still believe in love and you are still hopeful.” I replied “Yes”, and we continued to talk like normal.

That conversation has had me going since 7 this morning. I am not bitter anymore. I am ready for love; but not at the cost of whom I am. See, I have dated my fair share of guys and tried to change who I was to fit them. If he wanted someone domesticated, I learned to cook; if he was into partying, I became a party animal, all for My man! But in trying to be what my man wanted I forgot about the things that were important to me. I did things that just weren’t Chasiti. Not saying that the things I did were bad, but they were not done because of my own conviction, they were done to please someone else! I have learned that you can’t make anyone want you and I will not try any longer! You see, I am perfectly made in the likeness of Jesus! I am going to live my life that way. I know there is always room for improvement and trust that I am working on me daily. But, I dare my self esteem issues to subject me to settle for anything less than I deserve. The bible says that a man should love is wife like Christ loves the church; not when he feels like or when its convenient or when no one else is looking! I am a Jewel with a lot to offer!
And yes, I have kissed a few frogs, but I know the next man I Kiss will be my prince!!!

I am single with no plus one and I cool with it!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Have you seen Him!?!

God fearing
good with children
and small animals
small nose
Light to medium brown skin
Over 6 feet tall
in shape
Good Job...making good money
college degree
who loves me...and thinks very highly of me
Good looking
doesn't like to party often ,but know how to have a good time!

If you know this man please tell him to contact me ASAP!
I have been waiting my entire life for him!

Lord this is my list of the qualities that i want in a man! "these are the desire of my heart"!