Every women wants a Hercules. I received a text message today stating that every woman wants a man to come and save her no matter where she is in life, from the walmart clerk to the district attorney. No matter how badly she has been hurt in the past she will let those emotional walls down. I completely agree with the text. after all it has happen to me. I am a woman who desires a husband. I actually want to be a help mate. And every time i give up on love i catch myself letting my emotional walls down, yet again. I truly believe that is what make a woman so special, the desire to love and forgive.
through my studies I have gathered It is innate for a woman to desire a man; after all it is in the bible. After Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, God told Eve"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." (genesis 3-16)that tells us that we will desire a husband. So ladies, don't ever apologize for wanting to be married and wanting your Hercules. Now don't every force the issue, but is is always OK to hope for Hercules.
remember that Adam named Eve, he validated who she was and we as women are looking for our Hercules to validate who we are.
As a little girl I remember movies like: Cinderella, Snow white and Pocahontas. The one thing that all of the movies share is the princess being rescued by the prince. This is something that women desires at an early age. Yes it is 2010 and most women can pay their own bills, But the little girl in her always want her Hercules to come and rescue her so they can live happily ever after.
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